It’s impossible to predict what fate might bring. You might get a box. But inside, you’ll find more than you expect from Amazon. It will be a wild baby bear. You read that right, a wild baby bear. Dora Ngai is a Chinese vlogger living in Sri Lanka with her boyfriend for 4 years and four adorable dogs. It took place on September 3, 2020, as lockdowns were raging around the globe. Dora was bored and boarded up in the house at the time. A wild boar escaped from her home in a small box. Dora’s gardener discovered the box and brought it over to her.
This is Dora Ngai a Chinese vlogger in Sri Lanka and the wild boar Yezhu

“I’m Dora, a Chinese woman living in Sri Lanka. I have lived there for nearly four years with my boyfriend. At the moment, we have four dogs. Three of the four dogs were rescued by breeders in this area. We live in Kandy, a small town in the hills. Here we have come across many animals. There are many animals here, including monkeys, wild boars, and porcupines.
It was September 3, 2020. My gardener discovered a baby wild boar close to my house in the early hours of the morning. She was just a few hours old. She was separated from her mother and was cold and lost. He brought her in, and she was given to us to care for.”

“The first four weeks were difficult and exhausting. We were always at home because of covid, so we had the time to care for her. We began to feed her cow’s milk, but she became very sick after three days. I asked my friends how to care for wild boars. They all said that it was difficult if they were young and that they die without their mother.”


“But we were determined to keep our girl. She started to recover slowly after we switched to puppy milk replacement. My boyfriend and I slept in the living room together for the first four weeks. We learned that she needed to be fed every hour. It was like caring for a baby.”


“We kept warm bottles of water to keep her warm and made her a little area to sleep in the living room.”

“We were really excited to have her but didn’t know how the dogs would react.”

This Labrador was hesitant at first, but soon enough, they found a connection






“Eventually, when she got larger, we built her a little house with a small swimming pool. She loves the water.

Months passed, and Yezhu’s(Wild Boar) growing up to be a big boar

Yezhu, the wild boar has a new family now, and things are looking up

Original Interview was reported by Boradpanda.